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Inclusion, SEND and Local Offer

Ealing Local Offer

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information

Children and young people’s Special Educational Needs (SEN) are generally thought of in four broad areas:

  1. Communication and interaction
  2. Cognition and learning
  3. Social, emotional and mental health
  4. Sensory and or physical needs 

Children may have needs in one or more of the areas above and approximately 20% of the school population are identified as requiring additional support from external agencies. Parents/carers are notified of this in writing. 

How is the need for additional support identified? 

  • Parents may inform us during parent consultations, when they complete admission forms or at any other time they choose. 
  • External agencies like speech and language therapists, health visitors or children’s centres will tell us about any additional needs they are aware of. 
  • We will find out when we do assessments of all children.
  • Children are identified who may benefit from support to develop their understanding of language. 
  • Children who are below the expected level may be given additional support. 
  • Year 6 children are identified for tuition groups by regular tracking of each pupil’s progress 
  • We may be given expert advice from educational psychologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists or paediatricians as part of statutory assessment. 

What interventions are offered? 

  • We routinely offer children extra support to gain basic skills in maths, reading and writing. This is most likely to be delivered on an individual basis or in groups of children.
  • We offer language development support to children who have communication difficulties identified in school and by specialists. Children who access this may or may not have English as an Additional Language. 
  • We work alongside other professionals to implement specific programmes as recommended (e.g. occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech and language therapy)
  • We support children with social and emotional difficulties in social skills groups and in some instances, on an individual basis. We can help children to manage anxiety, anger or loss. We have a counseling service  in school who can also offer parenting advice. 
  • We always encourage the use of visual timetables, social stories, move and sit cushions, ear defenders and writing slopes for children who may benefit. 
  • Some staff can use Makaton and PECS. 
  • We try to provide low stimulation work spaces in classroom to support children who are easily distracted. 
  • We can provide advice and support for a range of issues that parents/carers may experience out of school like eating, behaviour management and issues frequently linked to Autistic Spectrum Condition. 

What is provided for children with medical needs? 

  • We have a health adviser who is responsible for overseeing the production of healthcare plans, ensuring that information is shared sensitively, and that medication stored in school is in date. 
  • Some members of staff are first aid trained.
  • All staff attend annual asthma and epi-pen training.
  • Prescribed medication can be administered in school
  • Children will be permitted to access food, fluid or medication required to manage their condition at any time.
  • Special arrangements required for out of school outings will be discussed and agreed with parents in advance. 

Who provides additional support? 

  • Additional support is provided by Teaching Assistants (TAs) and teachers, however it is the responsibility of the class teacher to ensure that all teaching planned for your child meets their needs and abilities. 
  • Some TAs have a specialist area like developing language or supporting reading skills; others provide a range of different interventions.
  • Support staff work in the classroom alongside the teacher and provide support to small groups or individuals. 
  • All staff are invited to attend training in a range of special educational needs and disabilities. 

Who else can help my child? 

  • We work with a range of people who can help and in some cases can make a referral for a specific service. Most of these people work within the Health Service and include speech & language therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, dieticians, specialist nurses and paediatricians. 
  • We can also discuss or arrange referrals if appropriate to Social Services or Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. We can complete an Early Help Assessment to access the key working service. 
  • We have access to an Educational Psychologist; Local Authority SEND Team and outreach services.

How is the quality of support monitored? 

  • The impact of each intervention is measured by identifying what a child can achieve before they start the intervention and what they have achieved by the end. This is then summarised at the end of the academic year and helps us identify what works best. 
  • Each member of staff participates in performance management and will have at least one target that is linked to the progress pupils make. 
  • We monitor the quality of teaching and learning through lesson drop ins, looking at planning and children’s work. We ask children what helps them learn and they are involved in recording their own progress.
  • Lesson drop ins will provide how well the teacher matches learning to each child’s ability
  • Each time we set and review targets , we will ask your child for their opinion and how it helps their learning. Their views will be respected and acted upon. 
  • The governor responsible for SEND meets with the SENCO and ensures that the school is acting in the best interests of children with SEND. 

How can I and my child be involved? 

  • We conduct pupil conversations so that children can inform us with what helps them, and we involve children when writing plans. 
  • Children have social, emotional or mental health problems can have 1:1 or small group sessions with a play therapist who can help them express difficult feelings. 
  • You will have the opportunity to speak to the class teacher at parents evenings or any other time you wish. The Inclusion lead will arrange a meeting at least once each year so that you can give your views and we can jointly establish how outcomes can be achieved. 
  • Any referrals to outside agencies will be discussed with you so that you can decide whether or not to give consent to this course of action. 
  • You can attend workshops or meetings.

How can I find out more? 

  • You are always welcome to come into school and ask to see any member of staff that you feel comfortable speaking to. Sometimes an appointment will be necessary however some staff can see you when you drop in if they have no teaching commitment at that time. 
  • Mr Gohil, our Inclusion lead, is available if he has no prior commitments. 
  • You can check our website ( for policies on a range of issues. 
  • You can email a question to or call 0208 422 6175 
  • You will be involved in setting targets and reviewing them as well as attending parent/carer consultations and can use these opportunities to find out more. 

What if I am not happy about the support my child receives?

  • Please mention any concern or worry to the person you feel the most comfortable speaking to, and they will try to respond. 
  • If they cannot reassure you or you are unhappy with the response, please ask to speak Mr Gohil, Mr Stainbank or Mr Best
  • If neither of the above suggestions resolves your concern then you may wish to speak to the governor responsible for Inclusion and this can be arranged via the school office. The governor for Inclusion is well informed and can support you. 
  • If you feel that your child needs more specialist support from another agency, Mr Gohil can discuss the options with you. 

When will the support end? 

  • The support will end when your child has made enough progress and no longer needs additional help. 
  • A few children may require additional support throughout their school years however this will be kept under review. 
  • Support needs to be balanced against developing independence and ensuring that children are not missing out by being withdrawn from class. 
  • We will carefully consider your child’s needs when we make arrangements for transition to another class or school. Some children will have personalised support plans to make the change easier for them. The new school should work with you to determine what support may be needed for your child. School files, including support arrangements, will be forwarded to the new school. 

Attendance matters 

We know from experience that children who do not attend school regularly (at least 96% of the time) do not make as much progress as other children. Our efforts to support your child will be most successful if he/she does not miss any of the learning opportunities. If your child cannot attend regularly because of a medical condition, then we will already have been made aware of this. We will let you know if we feel that attendance is affecting progress and support you to ensure that your child has access to their entitlement to education.

If your child has autism the National Autistic society has resources and a support network to help children and their families. National Autistic Society

For children with communication difficulties the Communication Trust has lots of ideas and information about how to access services and improve speaking and listening skills. Speech and Language UK

Parents of children who have specific literacy difficulties can find advice and links at the British Dyslexia Association. British Dyslexia Association

Those families with children who have emotional or mental health needs could refer to Young Minds for advice and support.